
he Neo-Babylonian period see also Meissner 1920: 365-66 and the references there; also 1936: 35-36.14. Meissner 1920: 366; 1936: 36; Mendelsohn 1949:

idered it a Hebrew construct of Egyptian type, not origin (1975: 241).19. For a list of some objectors, see Schulman 1975: 240, n. 26. Schulman’s suggestion (241) that Joseph’s appointment marked "the beginning of a new life for him," and that hence a birth-name would not come amiss, seems implausible. A Hebrew narrator looking for an Egyptian name had plenty to choose from other than this kind.20. We may safely lay aside both the philologically brilliant but onomatologically improbable solution offered by J. Vergote (1959: 142-46) based on a conflation of the LXX and Masoretic forms, and the weird and wonderful equivalents produced by some early investigators (for a sampling, see Vergote 1959: 151-52).21. For Hebrew, see Brown, Driver and Briggs 1963: 860-61; for Aramaic and Phoenician, see Jean and Hoftijzer 1965: 246; for Amarna Canaanite, see Gelb, Landsberger and Oppenheim 1962: 96b; for Ugaritic, see Gordon 1965: 475:2185. Here and in what follows, I use a simplified transcription of Egyptian and Semitic names, for technical reasons.22. In Erman and Grapow (1931: 568, 571-72), there is no root dj-p-n, and only four items under di-f-n (three of Graeco-Roman date).23. See the references given by Erman and Grapow (1931); Erman and Grapow 1953: 92, to p. 623:1.24. Erman and Grapow (1931: 568, 571-72; 1953: 92, to p. 623:1). In Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446, a variant iw djad.tu-naf occurs, taking this construction back to ca.1800 BC; see Hayes 1955: 1:5, 6, 10, etc.25. This solution was partly foreseen by Engelbach (1924: 204-206), but he did not work out the philological details, nor provide a solution to the pa‘aneah segment.26. In Djad, "say/call," the d would normally become a t, and by the Late Period (1100 BC onwards) dropped away completely; but in this construction, the d > t would be protected by the following na.f in status pronominalis, as in feminine nouns with suffixes (cf. Gardiner 1957: §78, obs., and p. 432 end). The verbal suffix .t(u) would coalesce with (or even replace) the d > t of the djad to which it was affixed. Either way, the result is a djad/t-naf, from the Middle Kingdom to at least the New Kingdom and probably later. For another metathesis from Egyptian into Semitic (r and n), cf. Eg. Bakenranef (as *Bukun-rinip) appearing in Assyrian as Bukur-ninip in Ranke 1910: 27.27. Ranke 1935: 15:3, of New-Kingdom date. Slightly modified, this is accepted by Vergote (1959: 149-50).28. The name Potiphar (no ’ayin) is incised in Hebrew or Aramaic script (mid-first millennium BC?) on an Egyptian sacred-eye amulet (Michailides Collection); see Leibovitch 1943: 87-90, fig. 25. The amulet may be genuine; but has the Semitic epigraph been scratched on in more recent times?29. References in Ranke 1935: 124:16 (after Daressy) for Pa-di-Re; 125:21 for Pa-di-Khons.30. For these names, which abound in the Middle Kingdom, cf. Ranke 1935: 401-404, passim.31. In tombs of Paheri and Qenamun (Ranke 1935: 375:3, 4).32. Full publication, Kitchen and Beltrão 1991, 1: 64/65-66/67; 2: pl. 45; on the foreigners, cf. Kitchen 1990: 635-38; and 1991: 88-89 with fig., p. 90.33. The family of Didia, especially on Louvre C.50; see Lowle 1976: 91-106, figs. 1-2, pls. I-II; also Kitchen 1993: 265-69, and Forthcoming a: 19-21; for notes, Kitchen 1993/4: 222-26, and Forthcoming b.34. There are many examples in Martin 1971: 78-85:984-1088a, pls. 28-42A, passim. For the name, cf. Hebrew Hur (Brown, Driver and Briggs 1963: 301a).35. For the former, see Davies and Gardiner 1926: 10f, pls. V, VI, left (before the king, pl. IV); for the latter, Kitchen 1983: 47.36. Examples, Middle Kingdom, Ward 1982: 170:1472; Fischer 1985: 86:1472.37. As (e.g.) at Jericho, cf. Kenyon 1960 and 1965, passim.38. In brief, cf. (e.g.) Gonen 1992: 240-41, when single-pit burial also came into use.39. Cf. Daressy 1906: 118-19 and pl. (dagger); Lacau 1906: 86-87 [28108], pl. 19:1, 2 (typical Middle-Kingdom box-coffin).BibliographyAlbright, W.F.1952 The Biblical Period. Oxford, England: Blackwell.1954 Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves from the Eighteenth Century B.C. Journal of the American Oriental Society 74:222–33.1955

New Light on Early Recensions of the Hebrew Bible.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 140:27–33.1963 The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra. New York: Harper & Row.Atenmüller, H, and Moussa, A.M.1991 Die Inschrift Amenemhets II. Aus dem Ptah-Tempel von Memphis. ein Vorbericht. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 18:1–48 + Tafel 1.Bietak, M.1986 Avaris and Piramesse: Archaeological Exploration in the Eastern Nile Delta. London: The British Academy.1991 Der Friedhof in einem Palastgarten aus der Zeit de späten Mittleren Reiches und andere Forschung sergebnisse aus dem östlichen Nildelta (Tell el-Dab’a 1984–1987). Egypt and the Levant 2:47–75.Bloch-Smith, E.1992 Judahite Burial Practices and Beliefs about the Dead, JSOTS 123. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press.Boardman, J.1980 The Greeks Overseas, third ed. London: Thames & Hudson.Boyer, G.1958 Archives Royalses de Mari 8. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.Brown, F., Driver, S.R., and Briggs, C.A.1963 A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, reprint of 1907 ed. with corrections. Oxford, England: Clarendon.Daressy, G.1906 Un poignard du temps des rois Pasteurs (avec 1 planche). Annales du Service de l’Antiquités de l’Egypte 7:115–20, +Figs. 1–3.Davies, N. de Garis, and Gardiner, A.H.1926 The Tomb of Huy (No. 40). London: Egypt Exploration Society.Edzard, D.O.1968 Sumerische Rechtsurkunden des III. Jahrtausends. Munich: Beck.Eichler, B.L.1973 Indenture at Nuzi. New Haven CT: Yale University Press.Engelbach, R.1924 The Egyptian Name of Joseph. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10:204–206.Erman, A., and Grapow, H.1931 Wörterbuch der Aegyptischen Sprache 5. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs.1953 Wörterbuch der Aegyptischen Sprache, die Belegstellen 5. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs.Falkenstein, A.1956 Die neusumerische Gerichtsurkunden 1. Munich: Beck.Fischer, H.G.1985 Egyptian Titles. A Supplement. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.Gardiner, A.H.1957 Egyptian Grammar. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.Gelb, I.; Landsberger, B.; and Oppenheim, A.L., eds.1962 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago 16/S. Chicago: Oriental Institute.Gonen, R.1992 The Late Bronze Age. Pp. 211–57 in The Archaeology of Ancient Israel, ed. A. Ben-Tor, trans. R. Greenberg. New Haven: Yale University Press.Gordon, C.H.1965 Ugaritic Textbook 3. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute.Hamada, A.1939 Stela of Putiphar. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte 39:273–77.Hayes, W.C.1955 A Papyrus of the Late Middle Kingdom. New York: The Brooklyn Museum.Jean, C.-F., and Hoftijzer, J.1965 Dictionnaire des inscriptions sémitiques de l’ouest. Leiden: Brill.Johns, C.H.W.1924 Assyrian Deeds and Documents 3. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.Kenyon, K.M.1960 Jericho 1. London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.1965 Jericho 2. London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.Kitchen, K.A.1957 A Recently Published Egyptian Papyrus and learn french

uo;s final Asiatic campaign, along with the archaeological evidence both of a large gap in time between the destruction of Hazor at the end of Late Br

e that relates both to Late Bronze I and the transition into Late Bronze II. The Israelites were the first occupants of the city after the close of the Late Bronze Age, so the destruction of the final Late Bronze Age city cannot be associated with the destruction of Joshua 11, as another Canaanite occupation and destruction followed that of Joshua’s day, which is made abundantly clear by the narrative in Judges 4. As Wood put it, “The simple (and biblical) solution is that Joshua destroyed an earlier city at Hazor in ca. 1400 BC, while Deborah and Barak administered the coup de grâce in ca. 1230 BC.”[95]This conclusion, borne out by the evidence presented in the preceding discussion, strongly supports the chronological framework of the early-Exodus position, and thus the literal interpretation of numbers such as “480th” in 1 Kgs 6:1. Biblical scholars and teachers would do well to give the biblical text its full day in court before acquiescing to the interpretations of archaeologists or other scholars who use arguments from silence (e.g. the complete lack of material evidence for the Israelite inhabitation of Canaan from 1400–1200 BC) to make claims such as the Israelites’ inability to have occupied the Promised Land before the 13th century BC, especially since such conclusions fan the flames of non-inerrantist, liberal scholars determined to undermine the historicity of the Bible. As Aharoni warned, “Don’t reject the historicity of the Biblical text so easily.”[96] The Bible should be interpreted literally, whenever possible, even though popular scholarship may tempt biblical scholars to take the easy road by reverting to allegorism when interpretive difficulties are encountered or when the pressure to fall in line with the consensus of the scholarly world seems too daunting to overcome.No cuneiform tablet has yet emerged at Hazor—nor may one ever surface, even if an archive is found—that reads, “Joshua has arrived!” But realistically, none should be expected, as the Israelites’ blitzkrieg may not have given Hazor’s residents time to write memorials for posterity or compose many words of outrage, even if they did know their attackers by name. The lack of immediate Israelite inhabitation of Hazor after the destruction under Joshua, implied in the biblical text and confirmed with the spade, also prohibits the expectation that Israelite artifacts will be extracted from the stratum associated with the destruction under Joshua. Finding the archive of Late Bronze I Hazor certainly may reveal more about the city’s demise in ca. 1400 BC, but much also could be learned from the excavation of larger portions of the lower city, since the destruction under Joshua undoubtedly is preserved far more extensively there than atop the tel, where rebuilding ventures invariably included the destruction of earlier levels.Footnotes:1.For example, see the debate between James Hoffmeier and Bryant Wood in JETS (James K. Hoffmeier, “What Is the Biblical Date for the Exodus? A Response to Bryant Wood,” JETS 50:2 [Jun 2007], 225–47; Bryant G. Wood, “The Biblical Date for the Exodus Is 1446 BC: A Response to James Hoffmeier,” JETS 50:2 [Jun 2007], 249–58), as well as an attempt by Ralph Hawkins to support the late-exodus theory by means of datable scarabs from Samaria (Ralph K. Hawkins, “Propositions for Evangelical Acceptance of a Late-Date Exodus-Conquest: Biblical Data and the Royal Scarabs from Mt. Ebal,” JETS 50:1 [Mar 2007], 31–46).2. James K. Hoffmeier, “Out of Egypt,” BAR 33:1 (Jan/Feb 2007), 36.3.BryantG. Wood, “The Rise and Fall of the 13th-Century Exodus-Conquest Theory,” JETS 48:3 (Sep 2005), 489.4. Manfred Bietak, “The Volcano Explains Everything—Or Does It?,” BAR 32:6 (Nov/Dec 2006), 61. Late-exodus proponents should remember that there was also an “invisibility of the Israelites in the archaeology of Canaan between ca. 1200 and 1000” BC (Alan Millard, “Amorites and Israelites: Invisible Invaders—Modern Expectation and Ancient Reality,” in The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions, ed. James K. Hoffmeier and Alan Millard [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004], 152–53). In light of this later invisibility, an earlier invisibility for the two centuries before this period should not be precluded as a possibility, either. While Bietak is on track when noting the significance of the Merneptah Stele to the presence of the Israelites in Canaan, even this critical Egyptian landmark does not remove the Israelites’ occupational invisibility. In fact, the Merneptah Stele even pronounces the existence of the occupational invisibility of the Israelites, an indisputable point, because the stele dates to a time that is 25 years or more before the archaeologically demonstrable presence of settlements in the Judean hill country.5. Hoffmeier, “What Is the Biblical Date?,” 255.6. For the best and most thorough treatment of Ai’s disputed location, see Bryant G. Wood, “The Search for Joshua’s Ai,” in Critical Issues in Early Israelite History, ed. Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and Paul J. Ray Jr. (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2008), 205–240. References to valuable resources on Jericho can be found in a subsequent footnote.7. Yigael Yadin and Amnon Ben-Tor, “Hazor,” in The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, vol. 2, ed. Ephraim Stern (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society & Carta, 1993), 595. The upper city was established first, during the Early Bronze Age of the middle of the second millennium BC, while the lower city was founded in the middle of the 18th century BC (Middle Bronze IIB Age), but forever abandoned during the middle third of the 13th century BC (Late Bronze IIB Age), when the final Canaanite city was destroyed (Ibid. 595, 599, 603). The existence of the lower city during the Late Bronze Age, in addition to the expected city on the tel, was unusual for this period, as southern

Levantine sites with more than 12 acres in area
are the exception to the rule (Anson F. Rainey and R. Steven Notley, The Sacred Bridge [Jerusalem: Carta, 2006], 63).8. The final city of the Late Bronze (IIB/III) Age (ca. 1300–1200 BC) is designated Stratum 1A in the lower city, and Stratum XIII on the tel. Yadin progressed slightly in his thought as to the dating of this destruction, but he seems to have settled on the second third of the 13th century BC. For example, he stated in a 1972 publication that “it seems most probable that 1A was destroyed during the second third of the thirteenth century” BC (Yigael Yadin, Hazor: The Head of all those Kingdoms, The 1970 Schweich Lectures of the British Academy [London: Oxford University Press, 1972], 108). In a 1993 publication, this statement is virtually repeated, with the addition that this destruction and dating applies both to the upper and lower city, and that conflagration was the cause (Yadin, “Hazor,” in New Encyclopedia, 603). Kitchen prefers lowering the date to at least Rosetta Stone French

When first discovered in 1930, the excavator identified it as Domitian.

Georg Daltrop and Max Wegner later questioned this identification. On the basis of facial features from portraits, they suggest it depicted his older brother Titus. However, other art historians still think it belongs to Domitian (Friesen 1993b: 62). This akrolithic statue, made of a wooden body, now disintegrated, and stone extremities, stood about 25 ft tall (Friesen 1993b: 63, 1993a: 62). The left hand had a groove in it where a spear was placed. This description accords historically with Ephesian coins depicting the Temple of the Sabastoi with a statue in front holding a spear (Friesen 1993b: 63).Remains of the statue of Emperor Domitian found in the Sabastoi Temple. Made of wood and marble, the statue stood about 25 ft high.Fourth, where was the statue placed in the temple complex? Some have suggested it was outside in the courtyard. However, the torso was probably wooden and would deteriorate in the inclement weather. Friesen (1993a: 32) notes that the back of the head was not finished, thus “the statue could only have been displayed in front of a wall where visitors were not expected to go behind it.” The most logical place was inside the temple. Most likely, similar statues of the other Flavians were inside (Friesen 1993b: 62).Fifth, what did the temple complex symbolize? Approaching the Temple of the Sabastoi from the Agora, with its northern facade and engaged deities supporting the temenos, was intentionally symbolic. Friesen (1993b: 75) remarks:The message was clear: the gods and goddesses of the peoples supported the emperors, and, conversely, the cult of the emperors united the cultic system, and the peoples, of the empire. The emperors were not a threat to the worship of the diverse deities of the empire; rather the emperors joined the ranks of the divine and played their own particular role in that realm.Ephesus, with its harbor, was the major commercial center of Asia Minor. Pilgrims and traders mixed their commercial ventures with cultic worship of the emperors. I suggest that first century Ephesus was a prototype of the future religious and commercial center predicted in Revelation 17 and 18, called “Mystery Babylon” and controlled by the Antichrist. Interestingly, Farrar (1888: 355), in his monumental The Life and Work of St. Paul, says of Ephesus:Its markets, glittering with the produce of world’s art, were the Vanity Fair of Asia. They furnished to the exile [of] Patmos the local colouring of those pages of the Apocalypse in which he speaks of “the merchandise of gold, silver” (Rv 18:12, 13).Reconstructed plan of the altar and temple of the Sebastol (Greek for “Emperors”) in Ephesus. It was constructed sometime after AD 85/86, in response to Domitian’s claim of deity.The first century church could relate to this.In the midst of all this commercial and cultic activity, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ took a stand for Him (Rv 2:2–3). The Apostle John, one of their elders, refused to participate in emperor worship and preached against it. While on Patmos he received the revelation from the Lord Jesus, a polemic against emperor worship and Domitian in particular. Revelation 1:9 says that John was on Patmos “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”The serious Bible student knows there are at least three different interpretations for that verse. First, the Lord sent John to the island specifically to receive the revelation. Second, John voluntarily went to the island to preach the gospel. Third, he was banished by the Roman government because of preaching the gospel (Thomas 1992: 88, 89). The third is most likely the primary interpretation, but the other two are correct as well! John was exiled because he preached the gospel and against emperor worship, but the Lord in His sovereignty used this opportunity to give him the book of Revelation and while he was there, he had opportunities to proclaim the gospel.Conclusion of the MatterI wonder if the Apostle John ever saw the statue of Domitian in the Temple of the Sabastoi? If he had, I am sure he refused to bow and worship it, or even burn incense on the altar before it. What a contrast between this lifeless stone statue of a mere mortal and John’s vision of the resurrected and living Savior:One like the Son of Man, clothed in a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and His hair were white like wool, as white as the snow [Domitian was bald!], and His eyes like a flame of fire, His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars [as opposed to a spear in Domitian’s left hand], out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength (Rv 1:13–16).When John saw this One, he fell down as dead (Rv 1:17a). He worshipped Someone infinitely greater than the mortal and dead emperors. He worshipped the One who was the “First and the Last,” and the One “Who lives, and was dead and is alive forever more” (Rv 1:17b, 18).Is it any wonder that John also recorded the statement of the four living creatures, “Holy, holy, holy Lord God (Kurios ho theos) Almighty. Who was and is and is to come” (Rv 4:8)? The contrast of the “Lord Gods” was obvious for any believer living in the first century. Domitian tried to legislate public and private morality, yet he himself was immoral: an adulterer, involved in incest, responsible for the murder of his niece Julia. She died from a botched abortion after Domitian impregnated her. Others were murdered at Domitian’s command, because he felt they were a threat to his rule. He was blasphemous. He abused animals. Sitting in his room he would catch flies and stab them with a “keenly sharpened stylus.”On the other hand, the Lord Jesus Christ is “holy, holy, holy.” The One who could not sin, would not sin, and did not sin (Jas 1:13, 2 Cor 5:21, Heb 4:15). He was the spotless Lamb of God (1 Pt 1:19). Domitian called himself Dominus Dues Domitianus (D.D.D). Yet the Lord Jesus is the “Lord God Almighty,” El Shaddai!Domitian was born October 24, AD 51, and murdered September 18, AD 96. He was cremated and his ashes, mingled with those of his niece Julia, were buried in the temple of Gens Flavia on the Quairinal Hill in the sixth Region, built over the house where he was born (Jones 1992: 1; Richardson 1992: 181). Yet, the Eternal Son of God is the One “Who was and is and is to come!” Domitian reigned only 15 years (September 13, AD 81-September 18, AD 96), but King Jesus will reign for a thousand years as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Rv 19:16; 20:4–6). Believers in the Lord Jesus during the first century would have been encouraged (and blessed) by reading the Book of Revelation.BibliographyBailey, D. R. S. (trans.)1993a Martial’s Epigrams, Vol. 1. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University.1993b Martial’s Epigrams, Vol. 2. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University.Cary, E. (trans.)1995 Dio Cassius Roman History, Epitome of Book LXI-LXX. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University.Friessen, S.1993a Ephesus: Key to a Vision in Revelation. Biblical Archaeology Review 19.3: 24–37.1993b Twice Neokoros, Ephesits, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial Family. Leiden: E J Brill.Hemer, C.1986 The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting. Sheffield: JSOT.Janzen, E.1994 The Jesus of the Apocalypse Wears the Emperor’s Clothes, SBL 1994 Seminar Papers. Atlanta: Scholars.Jones, J.1989 A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins. London: Seaby.Kanitz, L.1973–1974 Domitian the Man Revealed by His Coins. Journal for the Study of Ancient Numismatics 5: 45–47.Kreitzer, L.1990 Apotheosis of the Roman Emperor. Biblical Archaeologist 53.4: 210–217.Ramsay, W.1993 The Letters to the Seven Churches. Peabody MA: Hendrickson.Rolfe, J. (trans.)1992 Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars, Domitian. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University.Sapelli, M.1998 Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme. Milan: Electa.Thomas, R.1992 Revelation 1–7. An Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody.Editorial note-All Scripture quotations in this article are from the New King James Version.

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many Asiatics lived and worked as slaves throughout the Nile Valley.

While there were no major military campaigns into Syro-Palestine at this time, recent Middle Kingdom documents indicate these Asiatic slaves arrived in Egypt as prisoners-of-war, as tribute from officials elsewhere and through trade or purchase (Kitchen 2003:2).Some slaves were pressed into government service, some served the temples, and some were owned by wealthy officials (Kitchen 2003:2). Potiphar, a government official, purchased an Asiatic slave named Joseph from a Midianite caravan (Gn 37:36; 39:1), presumably to work on his estate in the delta region. The Brooklyn Papyrus from the Middle Kingdom period mentions “household slaves” and “stewards” (Hayes 1972), both positions held by Joseph in Potiphar’s house (Gn 39:4, 17; see Aling 2002b: 35, 37).After the accusation of Potiphar’s wife, Joseph was cast into prison (Gn 39:20). Interestingly, Egypt was one of the few nations in the ancient world to have prisons, in the classical use of the term. Since adultery was a capital offense in Egypt, the fact that Joseph was only confined to prison seems to indicate that Potiphar did not necessarily believe the accusation. Nothing is known about the length of sentences in ancient Egypt, but those not put to death were probably given life sentences. Yet, there might be a period of confinement for those waiting a decision, like the Chief Butler and Baker (Aling 2002c: 99). Joseph may have had a life sentence.The Brooklyn Papyrus also speaks about Middle Kingdom Egypt’s institution of prisons and indicates that the main prison—the “Place of Confinement”—was located at Thebes. Joseph was imprisoned with two of Pharaoh’s personal officials (Ex 39:20; 40:3), and it is reasonable to believe this was at Thebes. Twelfth Dynasty Pharaohs from Upper (southern) Egypt established their capital at Itj-tawy, near modern Lisht, in Upper Egypt’s northern border (Ray 2004:40) and this was probably the capital in Joseph’s day.After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph was rewarded by Pharaoh with three titles (Gn 45:8). Two of them suggest Joseph had responsibilities that would have required him to spend significant time in Upper (southern) Egypt. His title “Father to Pharaoh” (Hebrew), but understood as “Father of the God” to the Egyptians, had minimal implications on where he worked. But his second title, “Lord of all Pharaoh’s House” (Hebrew), corresponded to the Egyptian “Chief Steward of the King.” Egyptian documents from the period indicate this involved supervision of royal agricultural estates and granaries. Some, of necessity, would have been around the most important city of Upper Egypt—Thebes (Aling 2003:58–59).Joseph’s third title, “Ruler of all Egypt” (Hebrew), corresponded to the most important position under Pharaoh in ancient Egypt—”Vizier.” Later New Kingdom texts indicate the Vizier supervised the government in general, was the government’s chief record keeper, appointed lower officials, controlled access to Pharaoh, welcomed foreign emissaries, oversaw agricultural production and supervised construction and industry in Egypt’s state-run economy (Aling 2003:60–61). Beyond overseeing Pharaoh’s own holdings, Joseph’s official responsibilities would have necessitated considerable time in Upper Egypt, especially during the seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.Joseph was age 30 when he was freed from prison and promoted to high office by Pharaoh (Gn 41:46). Biblical and Egyptian chronologies suggest the Pharaoh who promoted Joseph was Sesostris II (1897–1877 BC). If this is correct, the seven years of plenty were probably the final seven years of his reign (Aling 1997a: 19). During these years, Joseph would have traveled extensively overseeing agricultural harvest and storage as well as government construction projects. This, no doubt, included supervising preparation of Pharaoh’s own pyramid tomb and burial at El Lahun in Upper Egypt.The seven years of famine would then have been the first seven years of the Pharaoh’s son, Sesostris III (1878–1843). Interestingly, royal records indicate he waited until the eighth year of his reign to fight his first foreign campaign (Aling 1997a: 19). Sesostris III’s administration was known for three aspects: his foreign policy, his military and other building projects and internal reforms. As Vizier, Joseph would have had responsibilities in each realm and would have been active all over Upper Egypt (Gn 41:46), as far south as the Nubian border (Aling 1997b: 20–21).Mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut (ca. 1503–1483 BC). Hatshepsut was the daughter of Tuthmosis I and his primary wife, Queen Ahmose. Tuthmosis II, son of Tuthmosis I and a secondary wife, became the next Pharaoh. To legitimize Tuthmosis II’s religious right to the throne according to early 18th Dynasty custom, he married his half-sister, Hatshepsut. Tuthmosis II and Hatshepsut had no son, but he had a son by a secondary wife—his name would be Tuthmosis III and he was to be the next Pharaoh. When Tuthmosis II died, his son was apparently so young that his aunt (step-mother!) took charge and reigned as co-regent with her young stepson. This co-regency lasted for 22 years (Hansen 2003:16). She may well be “Pharaoh’s daughter” who drew Moses out of the Nile (Hansen 2003:19) .Sesostris III’s own pyramid tomb in Dahshur (northern Upper Egypt) was no doubt a major responsibility for Joseph. For the record, later Viziers in the reign of Sesostris III are mentioned in surviving documents, suggesting Joseph probably went into honorable retirement to live in Goshen of Lower (northern) Egypt (Aling 1997b: 21; Wood 1997:55). Interestingly, only after Joseph’s day do Egyptian documents indicate that the titles Vizier and Chief Steward were given to the same man. It is possible that Joseph was the first to hold both (Aling 2003:61).ConclusionMuch of what we know about Egypt’s New Kingdom Pharaohs comes from their statuary and reliefs carved at the Karnak Temple and their mortuary temples and tombs across the river. It is worth emphasizing that the Karnak Temple was not constructed as a public monument designed to teach living object lessons to the citizens of Egypt. Average people were not allowed inside the Temple complex. Consequently every architectural feature, however massive or beautiful, was designed by each Pharaoh to impress his god; and, possibly, to keep the very powerful priesthood as good allies.The same can be said about each Pharaoh’s tomb and mortuary temple. The amazing artwork was not created for people to see. A Pharaoh’s entire reign was devoted to preparing for the afterlife, and he invested untold wealth on his eternal destiny. The tomb was to be sealed and no one was to enter again. The Pharaohs would be appalled by the mass of tourists daily visiting their private tombs!So it is no surprise that every stone-carved text and relief within the Karnak temple complex lists a Pharaoh’s accomplishments and his expressed gratitude to the gods for making it all possible. There are no defeats recorded here and even victories are often overstated. Probably the classic example is Merenptah’s boast of the destruction of Israel. While his mention of Israel is a very important historical reference, he was absolutely wrong about Israel’s demise. They continued to live in and control their region for the next 600 years.Egyptology has demonstrated that Pharaohs often altered earlier reliefs to change the historical record. It appears that early 18th Dynasty Pharaohs destroyed the textual evidence for the Hyksos ruling in Egypt. The attempt by Tuthmosis III to erase Hatshepsut from all her monuments is a classic example (Dalman 2003:53). Thus, as we endeavor to reconstruct ancient Egyptian history, it is important to remember that the best, and often only, texts we have are simply each Pharaoh’s best effort at public relations and political spin, regardless of the facts!

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10 Mar 11 5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs

5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your NeedsBy: danica .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet When getting health insurance, you need to see how much you can afford, identify the type of health insurance you prefer, know the ways of acquiring health insurance, learn about insurance premiums and other costs, and decide on the coverage you need so you can get the right health insurance.Even if you have made up your mind to purchase medical coverage, making up your mind which provider and which plan to go with can be a plex process. There are lots of factors to take into consideration to get the right sort of health insurance at the best price. Here are some factors you need to consider when getting health insurance:Whether it is within your budgetBefore anything else, you need to find out roughly how much you can afford. This may not be the same amount all the time, but it is important that you be sure that you are fortable with what you will be spending and what you simply cannot afford. This is a major consideration in calculating what kind of coverage will be available and affordable for you. On the other hand, you may also request insurance quotes from some panies through your agent or online. For instance, you can look for a Florida insurance quote to help you begin. Choose health insurance that is preferable for youThere are numerous plans available based on the different insurance panies and changing needs of the customers. Immediately afterward, you should consider the most appropriate insurance for you from the list provided.General health care-A plan that calls for general health care is the most basic you can get This will cover your visits to medical professionals, hospital admissions, laboratory tests that need to be run, medical procedures, and most other that your doctor deems necessary. The premium you pay for this kind of health insurance will be different depending on the level of coverage and which deductibles are applicable to your plan. Prescription plans-A prescription plan is a specific type of health care plan that covers medicinal expenses for those medicines prescribed by your physician that are purchased either through a pharmacy or via mail-order. There are some rather expensive general health care plans, however, that include this feature in their coverage.Eye care plans-Vision insurance is very important for those people who wear glasses or carry a higher risk of eye strain due to prolonged puter work. Check-ups with your eye doctor, glasses or contact lenses and other eye needs or care are all covered. Treatments needed for serious eye injuries or diseases are monly included in general health care insurance plans.Your insurance provider will be able to give you all the information, which you must consider regarding various types of insurance like catastrophic, long-term and dental insurance.Find out how you can get health insurance for yourself and your familyIt is also important to know how and where you can get health insurance to help broaden your options and learn about different health insurance alternatives you have. Insurance is available through the workplace, the government, or self-purchase.Through your employer-A lot of workplaces have insurance benefits for their employees. There are many varieties of medical insurance from those that cover the basics to the more involved plans that pay dental and optical expenses. It is important to know the details of your coverage; some insurance plans provided through panies may involve a variety of out-of-pocket expenses. Through the government-You may also be able to get health insurance through the government who provides assistance to citizens who meet certain qualifications. People who are over 65 years of age and those who are disabled or have limited ine can receive health insurance benefits through Medicaid and Medicare.By self-acquiring-If you are not covered for health insurance by your pany or if you feel that that the pany plan does not sufficiently meet your needs and you want an individual health plan, you can decide to ask your own agent or go directly to the insurance pany of your choice. One method is to ask for remendations from people you know for reliable panies in the area or to search local directories online. Find out more about insurance premiums and additional expensesIt is important to know your budget for medical coverage as you begin your search. In the first place, there is the price of the insurance that must be paid each month, each quarter or each year, considering how your funds are available. Overall, annual fees tend to be lower than fees that are paid each month. It is important to note that there could be out-of-pocket expenses or co-pays that you might have to pay if you choose a health plan that aims to lower your health insurance premiums. These expenses e in the forms of deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurances. Deductibles are medical expenses that you need to pay for prior to your health insurance kicking in and doing its part. Co-payment refers to fixed fees that you incur when you use specific . On the other hand, partial payment for these can be arranged through co-insurance.Decide on the coverage you needAlong with considering your budget, you need to know the health that matter most to you. This lets you figure out how prehensive your medical coverage should be. You must understand the fact that the extent of your health insurance coverage is an integral part in deciding the actual amount of your premiums. If you're on a budget, you need to skip that really don't matter to you.Along with these considerations, make sure you also solicit tips from people who have health care , as well as your trusted insurance agent. These tips will help you to get the best health care insurance for your specific needs and financial situation.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryWhen looking for a one-stop source for health insurance needs, including a Florida insurance rates and any other insurance needs, check out floridainsurancequote.org.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, danicaRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? 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5 Mar 11 An Easy Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

An Easy Introduction to Affiliate MarketingBy: Alex Newell .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Affiliate marketing is one of the hottest topics on the Internet. With so much information and different points of view it is difficult for the Internet Newbie to sort out the facts. But if we stick to the principles it is really quite easy.Affiliate Marketing is as old as business itself. An Affiliate or Associate is a "middleman", someone who brings merchant and buyer together and collects a fee for doing so. There is nothing in this NHL Jersey
that relates to the Internet at all except that the World Wide Web makes the process easierA merchant is an expert on the products they sell. They achieve more by focusing on that and outsourcing their sales and marketing. What could be better than a sales staff that have no steady wage but only earn when they sell?An Affiliate regards the "no sale no wages" offer as a good deal because their share of the profit is large and they can concentrate on the marketing. The Affiliate has no cares about inventory, packaging, shipping or customer service. For Information products, like an ebook costing $100, an Affiliate will typically earn $50. This is more than the author earns and considering the costs of the merchant, the affiliate earns most for least effort.The shopper does not care about any of this. She or he just wants the best information about the matters that concern them and the best deals. Finding an affiliate website by typing her search term into a search engine the shopper finds useful background information and product reviews written by an affiliate. She may click on one of the links on the affiliate website through to the merchant"s website and on reassuring herself that everything looks OK buy then and there.Or perhaps she could get some extra information by signing up to the Newsletter from the Affiliate website or from the Merchant. A sale may then happen a few days or even a few months laterThis is clearly a win for the affiliate; a win for the merchant and a win for the shopper. And that is why the Affiliate Model of doing business is so popular. Tampa Bay Lightning jersey
There is a downside to this rosy picture. Because it is so easy to enter, thousands of newcomers sign up and become Affiliates with little knowledge of how the whole process works or even how to get started. A good general knowledge of Internet Business is essential if one is to succeed as an affiliate. In addition you have to be able to write about the area in which you are selling or to be able to hire a writer. Likewise the technical part of website building have got to be mastered or outsourcedThat being said it is a very attractive lifestyle and after the learning curve has been climbed the earning curve can be very lucrative indeed.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Alex Newell taught Information Technology in a Community College in London, UK for many years and is now teaching Newbies to Internet Business how to shorten their learning curve to make a living onlineWhere Internet Newbies Get Their First VictoryNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Alex NewellRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Lightning jersey
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24 Jan 11 Dear Kiffin, Haden, Carroll, Goodell, Reggie, and the NCAA...

NCAA sanctions have robbed the Trojans of their Hollywood mojo.Ken Levine/Getty ImagesDear Coach Kiffin, Boy are you a debbie downer. You finally get your dream job, coaching one of college footballpremier programs, and all youve done is sulk and pout. Like somebody died. Hey, I know the sanctions suck but lighten up for petesake (sorry, I couldnresist). Youre taking all of the fun out the game so itno wonder your team is playing like Ohio State in a national championship game: flashes of greatness but a deficit of consistency. Youve banned Reebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
everyone from practice, including the athletic directorwife. Even if the sidelines needed a little housekeeping, they donneed to be empty for petesake (oops, sorry again). It looks weird. Wherethe glitterati? The former players? Reality check: if you think all that star power at practice and on the sidelines doesninfluence an 18-year-old recruit youre even more delusional than your old boss, Al Davis. Youve axed the traditional pregame huddle at midfield. You criticize your team every chance you get. Whatnext? Banning the Spirit of Troy marching band and the Song Girls? Did you not know that you were becoming head football coach of the University of Swagger and Celebrity? Athletic performance is as much, if not more, mental than it is physical. If you keep hammering your players and talking with that sour puss on your face youre going to lose your team, games, your fans and, ultimately, your job. Dear Mr. Haden, Congratulations on the new gig! I hear youre a smart guy, a Rhodes scholar. Wow. Thatimpressive. So Im going to assume youve already told your head football coach to stop acting like Bill Belichick in a sun visor. It only reminds us how much we miss Pete. But why the paranoia over the football program? I know you donwant to irritate the NCAA while the sanctions are under appeal (good luck with that). But hiring the former head of the FBI to monitor compliance? Donyou think thatoverkill? Shouldnhe be doing something more useful, like tracking Osama bin Laden? Frankly, Im tired of watching my alma mater getting hammered. By everyone. Why are you letting them get away with it? Wherethe campaign to repair our image? Sure, youve done a couple of interviews but considering what were up against itnot nearly enough. Roll out the NFL alumni. Remind everyone that John Wayne, Jerry Buss, Neil Armstrong, the creator of the frisbee and hula hoop and the founders of Kinkos, Costco, California Pizza Kitchen, MySpace, Qualcomm, Vizio, Intuit, Quiksilver, and Oakley sunglasses are Trojans. So are the owners of the Kings, Lakers, Dodgers, and the Texas Rangers. And while youre at it, make football fun again. Bring the celebrities back to the sidelines. Put on a rock concert during halftime. Embrace our L.A. culture. Prove that we can be the University of Swagger and Compliance. Pete Carroll restored USC to glory but some say he bolted to the NFL to avoid the fallout from harsh NCAA sanctions.Stephen Dunn/Getty Images Dear Coach Carroll, Please come back. Please, Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
please, please, please. Pretty please. With a cherry and sprinkles on top. Im begging you. I know the sanctions arenyour fault. How in the world were you supposed to know who was paying Reggieparents mortgage? Ridiculous. I know the new AD seems a little compliance-happy but maybe you and Will Ferrell can work out a skit or something to loosen him up. Really, we need you. Bad. Dear NCAA Infractions Committee, Can you please explain how an athletic department can lose control of a football program when only one player accepted improper benefits? Doesnloss of control look more like North Carolina, which has about a dozen players implicated in a cheating scandal? Or Florida, where almost 30 players have been arrested in six years? And why do you continue to punish players who did nothing wrong? Why donyou go after the athletic directors, coaches and, in cooperation with the NFL, the players who actually committed the infraction(s) in the first place? If youre an institution of higher learning shouldnyou start acting like it? Dear Roger Goodell, Reggie Bush gets a hug from teammate Matt Leinart after winning the 2005 Heisman trophy. Runner-up Vince Young (far left) remains on the sidelines after the Heisman Trust declined to grant him the award following Bush's surrender of it.Pool/Getty ImagesWhy havenyou punished Reggie Bush under the leaguePersonal Conduct Policy? While he was playing in your No Fun League he repeatedly lied and failed to cooperate with an NCAA investigation into his familyacceptance of hundreds of thousands of dollars of improper gifts, including a house. A house! His failure to take responsibility for his conduct resulted in innocent kids being punished for possibly their entire collegiate careers. What kind of personal conduct is that? Dear Reggie, Are you kidding me? A house?! You didnthink a convicted felon was going to spill the beans on you? I donknow what you knew when, or what you arranged personally or whether people close to you were freelancing. But at some point you knew a line had been crossed and to this day you have not accepted an iota of responsibility for it, nor have you apologized for your actions. Sorry, but giving back the Heisman in order to pre-empt it being taken away from Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
you does not cut it. With the permission of the NCAA, you should fly to Los Angeles and apologize in person to the players at USC, who are (insanely) being punished for what you (and your parents) did. You should also try doing something constructive, like meeting with high school and college athletes (and your parents) to talk to them about the importance of integrity and playing by the rules. And of course you should meet with the NCAA and offer suggestions for how the rules governing gifts, agents, spending money and the like can be reformed and better monitored. No one expects them to listen, but you should do it anyway. Fight On! Kelly


22 Jan 11 Georgia Football: With Loss to Arkansas, The Bulldogs Have Some Work to Do

Mike Zarrilli/Getty ImagesThere is a phrase that goes, Itnot how you start, ithow you finish. In the case of the Georgia Bulldogs, they need to have a strong finish because itbeen one of the worst starts for the team in the last 17 years. There really isnone particular aspect or person to blame for the Bulldogs struggles because Detroit Lions
they entire team is struggling. It was evident in the game against Arkansas yesterday when they were down 24-10 early in the fourth quarter. Before the comeback where they scored 14 points to tie the game at 24, there was no consistency on offense, miscommunication on defense, and the special teams could have been better. So what needs to be done in order to fix things and get back on the right track?A good team has to have a good offensive line, and the Bulldogs offensive line has not been as good as many people predicted them to be. The reason for that is unknown, but if the offense wants to have more of a flow game in and game out, guys such as Clint Boling, Cordy Glenn, Ben Jones, and Josh Davis have to step-up right now, because the performance against Arkansas as well as South Carolina was not up to par. The defense, for the most part, has played well, but there are still times when the secondary gets confused and plays out of position. Against Arkansas, the Razorback receivers were open numerous times, and two of the times they were open led to points. This could be part of the growing pains of learning the 3-4 scheme, but improvements need to be made because the competition is going to get tougher as the season rolls on. The most important thing for this team now is not to panic. They have to continue to play their game and continue to get better in all aspects of the game. Is the SEC East out of reach? Itpossible, but if they can find a way to get on a winning streak, then the season wonbe lost and they will have a chance to compete for a title, Green Bay Packers jersey
because the SEC East is going to be a three-team race. It hurts for a Dawg fan to see this team struggle, because the expectations were so high. But the one thing the fans have to remember is this team has veterans in some positions such as the offensive line, and are really young in other positions such as quarterback and secondary. They have to find a way to put it all together and get back to playing Georgia football. But right now, this team has a lot of work to do, and they do not have an easy road ahead of them.


18 Jan 11 Iowa-Ball State: Hawkeyes Look to Get Back on Track Against Cardinals

David Purdy/Getty ImagesAfter an upset loss against Arizona late last Saturday night, the Iowa Hawkeyes look to turn their season around against Ball State on Saturday afternoon at Kinnick for their annual Throwback Game.The Hawkeyes and Cardinals have met one other time, in 2005, and Iowa had the upper hand, blowing Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
out the Cardinals 56-0.Although last week's devastating loss is one that the Hawkeyes would like to forget, there are still lingering reminders of the upset.Iowa has plummeted to No. 18 in both the AP and USA Today polls and seemingly out of national championship contention unless the unforeseeable happens.The injury news isn't all that pleasant either. Running back Jewel Hampton and linebacker Bruce Davis are out for the season with knee injuries, andbackup running back Paki O'Meara will sit on the bench Saturdayleaving Adam Robinson to man the backfield by himself.Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz is very confident in Robinson's performance this season and doesn't see a problem with one running back getting all the snaps. Robinson has carried the ball 48 times for 270 yards and four touchdowns and has caught three passes for 62 yards so far this season.Through all the issues during Saturday night's game against Arizona, there was a silver lining in Iowa quarterback Ricky Stanzi, who appears to have matured in the offseason and is making much better decisions. Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
The stats prove itStanzi has completed 47 of 74 passes for 711 yards and six touchdowns in 2010. Only one interception is credited to Stanzi, which was the tipped pass against Arizona.Expect Stanzi to find his favorite targets during Saturday's game and shake off that last bit of rust before Big Ten play starts.Stanzi has an excellent selection of targets for Saturday. For the last three seasons, Derrell Johnson-Koulianos has been Iowa's go-to guy through the air, and he is off to another hot start this season with 13 receptions for 183 yards and one touchdown. His fellow wide receiver Marvin McNutt is having equally an impressive year with seven receptions for 159 yards and two touchdowns, averaging 22.7 yards per catch.McNutt and Johnson-Koulianos came up big against Arizona, and one can expect to see the same results against Ball State.On the other side of the ball, the Hawkeyes defense looks to get back on track after bending and breaking at crucial times against Arizona. Linebacker Jeremiha Hunter, who recovered a fumble last Saturday that led to a touchdown, ranks second in tackles through three gameshaving four solo stops and 15 assistsand looks to continue to his run-stopping defense.Through the air, Ball State will have to go through defensive back Tyler Sash, who has 11 career interceptions andReebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
165 career tackles.With this being the final game before Big Ten play starts next week against Penn State, look for Iowa to address its major issues and make final adjustments to prepare for a conference title run. Iowa is a 27-point favorite over Ball State; expect quarterback Ricky Stanzi to continue to build on last week's air game.Saturday's game will be televised before a national audience on the Big Ten Network and broadcast on the Hawkeye Radio Network as well as Sirius channel 154 and XM channel 198 at 11 am CT.


15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Part I: Will the Rams make the playoffs?"

With the offseason crawling along at a snail's pace, there isn't a terrible amount of information to report regarding the St. Louis Rams. Thus, when all else fails, we turn to such things as draft grades and previews to ward off the shakes until we can score our syringe full of NFL smack come September.Therefore, we present to you, the reader, the following preview of the Rams upcoming season. I won't go into detail as to the highly scientific method utilized to reach the following conclusions, as understanding would only drive you to the brink of madness: Carolina: The combination of Opening Day and it being the "we don't need Kris Jenkins" game has Rams fans in a frenzy from the outset. In contrast to its slow start last season, the Rams' offense comes out with all cylinders firing. Richie Incognito "accidentally" gets a St. Louis Rams jersey
forearm underneath Kris Jenkins' facemask, staining the fertile artificial grass crimson with blood and teeth. The feared Carolina defense looks extremely ordinary and the Rams put the league on notice. Rams win 34-17.San Francisco: The Niners put their well-paid henchmen to the test against the potent St. Louis offense. The Rams' receivers immediately turn Nate Clements inside out, proving no cornerback in the league is worth $80 million, or even half that amount. However, unlike the previous week, the Rams are in for a slugfest against a San Francisco squad that is always up for its contests with the blue and gold, regardless of either teams' record or talent level. The Rams pull out a close one against an obviously improved 49ers squad, suggestive of the once and future yearly battle for the NFC West crown. Rams win 24-20. @ Tampa Bay: The once-fierce rivalry has since fizzled, but the Bucs, still looking for their first win of the season, dig in against the high-flying Rams. Jon Gruden attempts to exploit the traditionally weak Rams rushing defense by pounding Cadillac Williams between the tackles, but the St. Louis defenders are equal to the task. However, the Rams' offense is unable to run effectively against the still staunch Bucs' defense and both teams must throw to generate offense. The newly spleenless Chris Simms plays valiantly, matching Marc Bulger pass for pass in terms of accuracy and sending the game into overtime, tied 17-17.The closely contested quarterback duel continues in OT, where it is evident that the first team to make a mistake will seal its fate. It is Simms who flinches first, and Tye Hill jumps a slant pattern and takes it to the house. Rams win 23-17. @ Dallas: Bill Maas' streak of 18 straight games as Fox's color commentator for the Rams broadcast is broken as the A-team (sans B.A. Baracus) of Troy Aikman and Joe Buck is trotted out for the battle with the likewise undefeated Cowboys.The Rams look ordinary after their thrilling victory a week prior. Tony Romo completes three TD passes, but none to superstar Terrell Owens, who immediately accuses his QB of ignoring him because Romo is, quote, "obviously gay." T.O. is promptly suspended by owner Jerry Jones, in turn causing Owens to hold workout sessions in front of Texas Stadium each Sunday. The Rams drop their Tennessee Titans jersey
first game of the season to the Cowboys, who win by a field goal in large part because Romo is no longer the holder. Final score: 24-21.Arizona: A combination of an improved Rams D-line and an even more diminished Cardinals O-line leads to the first sack of Adam Carriker's career, knocking Matt Leinart out of the game. With the Rams up 14-3 in the second quarter, Kurt Warner enters and proceeds to torch the St. Louis secondary, putting up 300-plus passing yards and three touchdowns before the end of the third quarter allowing the Cards to come roaring back. Warner then fumbles on three successive possessions and the Rams pull out a squeaker, 34-31. After the game, Brenda Warner calls a joint press conference with Doug Christie's wife, explaining that "God caused Kurt to fumble" and it is time to announce his re-retirement. Sitting quietly at his wife's side, Kurt Warner's only comment is, "I'm not allowed to comment." @ Baltimore: The contest quickly becomes a battle of attrition in a low-scoring defensive struggle. With the Rams down by six in the waning minutes, the Ravens need only make a goal-line stand to preserve the hard-fought victory. Steven Jackson pauses only long enough to wave to the terminally ill child in the stands before lowering his head into Ray Lewis' chest and driving him into the endzone for the winning score. Reminiscent of your favorite Hollywood football cliché, Rams win, 14-13.@ Seattle: The once-highly anticipated contest with their coffee-swilling rivals from the northwest has dimmed somewhat by the fact that a re-injured Matt Hasselbeck and a still-injured Shaun Alexander cause the Seahawks to stumble out to a 3-3 start.Unfortunately for St. Louis, Seattle wakes up for the fiercely contested rivalry and mirrors its impressive play from the last few seasons. The Rams give as good as they get, and the lead trades hands several times. Down by two in the fourth quarter, the Rams drive into field goal range with a handful of seconds left. Maas repeatedly reminds the viewing audience that place-kicker Jeff Wilkins is perfect on the season to that point, naturally resulting in Wilkins pushing the 48-yard attempt wide right in a sickening turn of irony as time expires. The Rams lose in heartbreaking fashion, 30-28. Cleveland: There is much speculation that the crushing defeat in Seattle a week prior would deflate the Rams, but it is not to be. The Rams jump all over the Browns, evoking shades of Az-Zahir Hakim pushing/punching that Browns defender in the back of the head as he danced in for Washington Redskins jersey
the score during the Rams 1999 contest with Cleveland. Brady Quinn, who has already been labeled a bust before midseason, actually manages to throw his first touchdown pass of the year, but to no avail. The Rams gut the ineffectual Browns, 41-13.At this point the Rams head into their bye week with an impressive 6-2 record. Can they make the playoffs? The saga continues next week.**You can e-mail Steve Reynolds at sreynoldsComing soon...the official RealFootball365.com NFL Podcast... (9)


14 Jan 11 New Orleans Saints expected to file paperwork with the NFL and the players' union by Wednesday to designate DE Darren Howard as a franchise

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The Saints expected to file paperwork with the NFL and the players' union by Wednesday to designate defensive end Darren Howard as a franchise free agent, General Manager Mickey Loomis said.The move would require the Saints to pay Howard a $7.8 million base salary in 2005 - a 20 percent Philadelphia Eagles jersey
increase from the $6.5 million salary he received as a franchise free agent in 2004. The club has until February 22 to make an official designation."It's just one of tools teams have to keep high quality players they feel probably would be gone otherwise, and I don't think there's any doubt Darren would have a number of suitors," Howard's agent, Gary Wichard, said Tuesday.Although he missed three games and at times played through neck and knee injuries, he led the Saints with 11 sacks, his most since his rookie season in 2000. "He's a really good player," Loomis said. "We've got a lot of time and effort invested in him, and we don't want to see it go to waste. He had a really good year for us last season, and we want to keep as many good players here as we can."He has made a team-high 41 sacks in five seasons since joining the Saints as the first draft pick after Jim Haslett took over as coach in 2000. With then-general manager Randy Mueller directing the team's draft, Howard was selected in the second round with the No. 33 overall pick.Under terms of the franchise Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
designation, Howard may negotiate with other teams, but the Saints can match any offer he receives. If they elect not to match the offer, they would receive two first-round draft picks from Howard's new team as compensation.The Saints also could trade Howard, which would clear his entire salary from the salary cap. Some teams have used the franchise tag to retain the rights to top players in order to trade them, but Loomis declined to comment on whether the Saints would consider trading Howard if a long-term deal can't be completed with the 6-foot-3, 275-pound defensive end.Wichard said Howard would be comfortable playing for New Orleans long-term."I would love to sit with them and work out a long-term deal," Wichard said. "It's where he started his career. This certainly would be a great situation San Diego Chargers jersey
for him to finish his career there. He's very comfortable with the organization and obviously they're very comfortable with him."With Howard, the Saints would have more than $10.4 million in salary cap money devoted to defensive ends. Charles Grant and Will Smith, two former first-round draft picks, will count $1.3 million each against the cap.Loomis said Howard's salary will be relatively hefty, but that he would "find a way to make it work. It's always a tough decision to franchise a player. But, if you're going to have depth and be good at a position that's a good place to be good at, that's a good problem to have," Loomis said.

14 Jan 11 New Orleans Saints expected to file paperwork with the NFL and the players' union by Wednesday to designate DE Darren Howard as a franchise

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The Saints expected to file paperwork with the NFL and the players' union by Wednesday to designate defensive end Darren Howard as a franchise free agent, General Manager Mickey Loomis said.The move would require the Saints to pay Howard a $7.8 million base salary in 2005 - a 20 percent Philadelphia Eagles jersey
increase from the $6.5 million salary he received as a franchise free agent in 2004. The club has until February 22 to make an official designation."It's just one of tools teams have to keep high quality players they feel probably would be gone otherwise, and I don't think there's any doubt Darren would have a number of suitors," Howard's agent, Gary Wichard, said Tuesday.Although he missed three games and at times played through neck and knee injuries, he led the Saints with 11 sacks, his most since his rookie season in 2000. "He's a really good player," Loomis said. "We've got a lot of time and effort invested in him, and we don't want to see it go to waste. He had a really good year for us last season, and we want to keep as many good players here as we can."He has made a team-high 41 sacks in five seasons since joining the Saints as the first draft pick after Jim Haslett took over as coach in 2000. With then-general manager Randy Mueller directing the team's draft, Howard was selected in the second round with the No. 33 overall pick.Under terms of the franchise Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
designation, Howard may negotiate with other teams, but the Saints can match any offer he receives. If they elect not to match the offer, they would receive two first-round draft picks from Howard's new team as compensation.The Saints also could trade Howard, which would clear his entire salary from the salary cap. Some teams have used the franchise tag to retain the rights to top players in order to trade them, but Loomis declined to comment on whether the Saints would consider trading Howard if a long-term deal can't be completed with the 6-foot-3, 275-pound defensive end.Wichard said Howard would be comfortable playing for New Orleans long-term."I would love to sit with them and work out a long-term deal," Wichard said. "It's where he started his career. This certainly would be a great situation San Diego Chargers jersey
for him to finish his career there. He's very comfortable with the organization and obviously they're very comfortable with him."With Howard, the Saints would have more than $10.4 million in salary cap money devoted to defensive ends. Charles Grant and Will Smith, two former first-round draft picks, will count $1.3 million each against the cap.Loomis said Howard's salary will be relatively hefty, but that he would "find a way to make it work. It's always a tough decision to franchise a player. But, if you're going to have depth and be good at a position that's a good place to be good at, that's a good problem to have," Loomis said.


13 Jan 11 NBA Quick Shots for Jan. 13: Chris Kaman To Have MRI on Back

Stephen Dunn/Getty ImagesChris Kaman Out, Scheduled To Have MRIKaman "tweaked" his back in pre-game warm-ups on Tuesday night, and missed the contest. He's also been ruled out for Wednesday night's game, and is scheduled to undergo an MRI.It wasn't reported as being a serious injury originally, but one has to Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
wonder if the team is pulling the quick trigger on an MRI.Keep up on Kaman's status, and feel free to use his replacement, DeAndre Jordan, as the big man has looked good in spot duty for the Clippers.?Kevin Martin To Make His Return on FridayMartin has been practicing and is gearing towards a return this Friday, although he's expected to come off the bench in limited minutes.With Tyreke Evans, Beno Udrih, and Omri Casspi all playing so well together, it'll be interesting to see whether or not Martin's scoring ability adds to the Kings' offense, or takes away from its chemistry.If he has a negative effect, rumors of Martin going on the trading block could emerge.?Vince Carter Still Not Ready To PlayAs expected, Carter missed Tuesday night's game, and will almost definitely not participate in Wednesday's game.Orlando head coach Stan Van Gundy suggested he may be out until the Magic end their road trip, which could have him returning next Monday.J.J. Redick started in place of Carter and logged 37 minutes, while scoring just eight points. It was an off night for Redick, but as long as he's getting the minutes and shooting 8-12 shots, he's not a bad utility play in most leagues.?Kobe Bryant Looking To Play on WednesdayBryant sat out of the fourth quarter in Tuesday's game with "severe" back spasms, making him questionable for Wednesday's game.Bryant said that he couldn't even walk, but his condition is better, and he's confident he'll play. With head coach Phil Jackson also indicating Bryant will be able to go, keep him in your starting lineup for tonight.?Devin Harris Expects To Play against BostonHarris expects to play against Boston tonight (Wednesday), despite tendinitis in his right wrist.Weekly league owners should have been sitting Harris this week, as he and the Nets have just two games Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
this week.?Ron Artest Questionable for WednesdayArtest played Tuesday night, but is now questionable for Wednesday's action with a sprained finger.Artest hasn't been a great fantasy option, especially in January, as he's averaging fewer than eight points per game in the last 13 days.If Artest is out, look for Luke Walton and Adam Morrison to get some extra minutes, although neither is likely to be even an average fantasy option.?For more NBA news and Fantasy advice, go here.

12 Jan 11 Wall Could Be Wizards Savor

Andy Lyons/Getty ImagesWith so much controversy going around in Washington D.C about three time All star Gilbert Arenas and whether he will be in a Washington Wizards uniform long term, It looks like it would be just best for both parties to part ways. Washington's organization has protected Arenas way to Cincinnati Bengals jersey
long from incidents in the past and now they have come to the conclusion where they can not baby him anymore. They paid him $111 dollar contract in the summer of 2008, and gave him the signs that he would be their franchise player. When Arenas brought four guns into the teams locker room on December 24, that showed that he did not have respect for the Wizards organization and the National Basketball Association. Both parties has to come to some agreement where they can part ways and move on.The Wizards are 14-30 and have the fourth worst record in the NBA, its most likely they will be in the NBA lottery when the draft comes around in Late June.Last season, the Wizards traded away Etan Thomas, Darius Songaila, Oleksiy Pecherov, and the 5th overall pick In the 2009 NBA draft for Randy Foye and Mike Miller. As great as the move looked for Washington, because they saved $2 million in the deal but they passed on players such as Jonny Flynn, Stephen Curry, Brandon Jennings. Those players all have good talents and could have help the Wizards out tremendously.This upcoming draft in 2010, maybe Washington could get lucky and grab the number one overall pick and draft Kentucky point guard John Wall.Wall is the best freshmen in the game of college basketball and he is quick, Cleveland Browns jersey
explosive,and a great team leader.Wall could save the franchise, he is a young talent and could provide the team a point guard if Gilbert Arenas and the organization decide to part ways.If Washington is able to draft Wall, the team would be in great position for the future and have a great point guard who cares about winning, oppose to a point guard who only cares about himself and not the team.

12 Jan 11 Portland Trail Blazers Are In a Slump

Jonathan Ferrey/Getty ImagesThe Portland Trail Blazers are in a dire need of hope. Without Brandon Roy, winning is like trying to tie a Velcro shoeimpossible.The Blazers are now on a three-game losing streak after tonight game. Monday, they dropped one at home against the Hornets; Wednesday, they got it handed to them at home by the Jazz; and today, the Rockets tried to give Portland a win, but the Blazers generously denied it.What is it going to take for the injured Blazers to get their act together?Brandon Roy is the obvious answer, but Portland is full of talent and should be able to win without Roy.Now that Batum and Fernandez are back, the Blazers are in a great position talent-wise. But the real question is why are the Blazers playing like kindergartners?Andre Miller has not been playing to his potential; he had two points tonight, complemented by two turnovers. That is not an expectedperformance.The Blazers need to decide who will take their game-winning shots instead of passing the ball around and losing all hope for a victory.The concept of a team is playing like a team. Although the Blazers act like a team, lately, they have not played like a team. Teamwork is an important concept to the game of basketball. That is why the Blazers and any other NBA team are called a team, to play with a team and succeed.The Blazers did make a hell of an effort to come back in the last seconds, but it was not good enough.The starting lineup needs to be Miller at point, Rudy at shooting guard, Batum at small forward, Aldridge at power forward, and Juwan Howard at center. That way there will be three threats at the three-point line but also enough power to have a threat at the basket.Once Roy returns, replace Rudy for Roy and sub Rudy in throughout the game, more frequently than usual.Portland has to deal with their height issues due to Oden and Prybilla injuries, but they can still be contenders with their roster, which is full of outstanding talent.The Blazers can contend in the NBA, they just need to take time and think things through and decide on a better game plan. Right now things are not looking good for the Blazers, but there can easily be a drastic turnaround, which is necessary.Most likely Portland will still make the playoffs, but not if they keep this style of play going.A few adjustments and heart can take the Blazers a long way. Nate McMillan has been doing a great job throughout his career coaching Portland, he will figure things out. As of right now, there is no need to worryyet.Keep your heads up Blazers fans, and do not lose hope.


10 Jan 11 Will Nate Robinson Really Make The Boston Celtics Better?

Jed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesLast night the Celtics won their second straight since the All-Star break, edging the LA Lakers last night 87-86. But, realistically, this was a Kobe-less LA, and doesn mean the Celts problems are fixed.In an effort to fix them, the Celtics gained a jolt of energy before yesterdays trade deadline. New England Patriots jersey
But how big of a jolt exactly?Boston received three-time Slam Dunk champion Nate Robinson and Marcus Landry from the New York Knicks in exchange for Eddie House, J.R. Giddens, and Bill Walker.Landry, Giddens, and Walker are throw-ins essentially. The centerpieces are House and Robinson.The extremely athletic Robinson gives the Celtics six more points a game, one more rebound (even though he only 59 and four inches shorter than House), almost three more assists, and shoots better from the field.There also the chance Robinson can really go wild like the time he put up 41 against theAtlanta Hawksthis season.Yet, even with those improvements, the Robinson trade is questionable.For starters, House is a much better three-point shooter both this season and in his career than Robinson and has hit a number of clutch shots for the Celts in both the regular season and the playoffs.Robinson offensive numbers could also be a product of Knicks Head Coach Mike DAntoni offensive scheme that encourages lots of shots and opportunities.Will Robinson be as effective in a more structured offense?Robinson attitude has also been widely criticized. He was benched for nearly an entire month earlier this season by DAntoni because he felt Robinson was concerned with only himself and not the team.The Celtics are hoping New Orleans Saints jersey
that strong veteran leadership from guys like Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Ray Allen will steer Robinson in the right direction.But that leadership has been absent thus far this season and is part of the reason why they are slipping in the standings.When youre a team having leadership and discipline issues, is it smart to trade for a player whose attitude has been questioned so frequently?Robinson can be a sparkplug off the bench and will bring a renewed enthusiasm to a Celtics team sleep-walking through the season. However, another reason to question the trade is because it doesn push the Celtics over the edge or past their two main competitors.The trade for Robinson means nothing compared to the Cavaliers, the Eastern Conference leader, getting Antawn Jamison from Washington. Adding a 20-point-10-rebound threat to add to the starting lineup really upgrades the entire Cleveland team, especially improving their ability to finally match up with forwards that play on the perimeter, like Boston Rasheed Wallace and Orlando Rashard Lewis.The trade for Robinson also New York Giants jersey
doesn even make Boston better than the Orlando Magic. The Magic didn make a move at the deadline, but they made their splash in the offseason getting Vince Carter and looks like they have finally found a good chemistry, winning 11 of their last 14 games.So can Robinson really inject enough energy and enthusiasm into the Celtics to really be a meaningful addition, or was it a trade that shook the team up just for the sake of doing something different?


9 Jan 11 John Salmons Proving To Be Perfect Fit for Bucks

John Salmons has played seven games with the Milwaukee Bucks since coming over in a deadline deal that sent Hakim Warrick to the Chicago Bulls.Since the trade, Milwaukee has gone 6-1, winning its first six games since acquiring the 6' 6" 30-year old from Chicago.When Michael Redd went out earlier in the season with a torn ACL, his second such injury in as many years, the Bucks needed someone who could score on a consistent basis.Charlie Bell just wasn't going to cut it as a viable scoring option for the Bucks.Over the past two seasons, Redd has Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
become a liability for Milwaukee, playing in just 51 games over that span and seeing his shooting percentages decrease as well.After his first injury, Redd showed fans this season that he wasn't fully recovered, shooting just 35 percent from the field, including 30 percent from behind the arc and just 71 percent from the free-throw line.What Salmons has done in just a short period of time is just what the Bucks needed, helping them into the seventh playoff spot in the Eastern Conference.Salmons only has a 9.2 ppg scoring average for his career, but averaged 18 ppg with the Sacramento Kings and Chicago Bulls last season.So far this season, Salmons is averaging about 13 ppg with the Bulls and Bucks, including20.1 ppg with Milwaukee in his seven games.Salmons also holds the responsibility of guarding the opponent's best scorer, something that Redd couldn't be trusted with; Luc Richard Mbah a Moute handled those duties before the trade.Milwaukee's six-game winning streak may have come to an end recently, but it still holds a coveted playoff spot in the East. Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
The Bucks probably had ideas of trading Redd away prior to the deadline, but that point became mute when he went down with his second torn ACL.Redd still won't be 100 percent if he returns, making Salmons the obvious choice of the future.Plus, Salmons is on pace to earnjust over$6 million next year, while Redd will earn over $17 million. It's time to save some money, especially since the loss of Redd isn't affecting the number of victories being put up by the Bucks.With the addition of Salmons, and his good performances, it makes Redd's days in Milwaukee numbered.Because, as they say, "This town ain't big enough for the two of them."


8 Jan 11 LeBron And Cavs Have Right Coach In Mike Brown

Elsa/Getty ImagesAll the pieces aren't in place, but it doesn't look as if that matters to coach Mike Brown. His Cavaliers are playing about as well as any team without a legitimate NBA center can play these days, and for God's sake, what might Brown's team play like once arealcenter does show up? Atlanta Falcons jersey
That's a question that only the postseason might be able to answer. In a lot of ways, his Cavaliers are a different team altogether than the one Brown led into the NBA Eastern Finals last season against the Orlando Magic.For one thing, these Cavs are deeper. Brown can dip into his bench and find a useful piece from one to 12. In Antawn Jamison, Brown has found a premium power forward. Complementary players in Jamario Moon and Anthony Parker were not there for Brown a season ago either.He also has a more seasoned J.J. Hickson, and Jawad Williams has been more than stagehands for Brown."We stress playing the right way," he says.Pay no attention to the fact that Brown hasn't had the Delonte West of a year ago or that the flashy Daniel Gibson has been pushed to the end of coach's rotation. Baltimore Ravens jersey
The team hasn't missed them. Ask Brown about this team, and he almost ignores the fact that center Shaquille O'Neal, a summer acquisition, is injured and sidelined until the playoffs or that Zydrunas Ilgauskas, a key part of the Jamison trade, is sitting and awaiting the official go-ahead to re-sign.But even when Z returns, will Brown need him?Maybe not these fine-tuned Cavs.Read More ...