millions of fans enjoy the game, the fact is that there’s always room for improvement no matter how good something is. So, here are my top five suggestions to the Soccer jerseys
NFL regarding changes that will make this extremely popular sport even more successful.
New Rules
1) Ban the Huddle: That’s right—all teams must play a no-huddle offense. Why? Because the huddle, the walk to the line of scrimmage and all of that signal calling wastes a lot of time. Time during which plays could be run. The fact is that an average NFL play lasts six seconds while the time to call and set-up the play takes about 40 seconds. Presently, there are 12- 14 minutes of NBA Jerseys
plays in an NFL game. Banning the huddle and putting a 20-second clock on set-up and signal calling will result in about twice as many plays. This would not only expand the number of plays run, but it would also alter the total number of points scored. Imagine the pressure on MVP Peyton Manning?
2) Ban Sudden Death OT: Here’s the problem with pro football’s Sudden Death Overtime—more times than not the victor is determined by the win of NBA jerseys the coin toss. It’s especially unfair because a club only needs to get to the opponent’s 40-yard line before they can kick a field goal and win it. Instead of Sudden Death, the NFL should play the college version of OT where each team is given an equal opportunity to score. Sure the games will be longer, but they will also be fair.
3) Add a Third Type of Extra-Point: The kick is worth one and a run or pass is worth two. Add the chance for a team to get three points when they elect to either run or pass from the 20-yard line. Imagine how this will affect the point-spread?
4) Allow All Celebrations: That’s right! I think that all sorts of Ugg Boots
celebrations and hotdogging should be allowed on the field! Why? Such celebrations are antagonistic and can lead to some brutal exchanges between players. Plus, they are extremely entertaining and they help create villains. Everyone loves to hate villains. The NFL made a big mistake when they banned the outward show of happiness, cockiness and in-your-face humiliation of opponents. Just think of what Terrell Owens would do?
5) Ban the fair catch and the touchback: My point is that anytime a football is kicked to an opponent the receiving team must handle and run the ball. There should be no fair catches on punts and no touchbacks on kickoffs. Both are for wimps. Come on guys—get some guts. You always have to play the ball! That’s it. Use your athleticism, use your smarts and use your speed and moves to make something happen or be buried by your opponent.
What Do You Think?
Those are my suggestions to make one of Cheap Ugg Boots
the finest games in the world more exciting, interesting and brutal. What do you think? Have any innovative ideas to add more punch to the game of football?